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‘General Hospital’ Did Dex Fake His Death To Smoke Out Cyrus?



Dex Heller-Evan Hofer-General Hospital-Youtube

General Hospital fans are still reeling from Sam Mcall’s murder.  Now, Port Charles is faced with another shocking death. Dex Heller (Evan Hofer) has only been in town a few short years but already his character will be missed or will it? The young cop was stabbed conveniently after questioning Cyrus about his mysterious appearance at the hospital on Halloween. Even crazier, he seemed to meet the same fate as beloved Sam. After surgery and appearing to be showing improvement post-op, Dex went into cardiac arrest. Sounds familiar right? Is Dex really dead?

General Hospital Spoilers: Did Dex Really Die?

It appears General Hospital has lost another fan favorite but did they really? Many fans on Reddit and Facebook have been speculating that perhaps Dex Heller isn’t really dead after all. There is talk that since Dex saw Cyrus mysteriously at the hospital around the time Sam McCall died, that Cyrus wants to silence him.

Fans finally learned recently that it was Cyrus who injected Sam’s IV bag with digitalis causing her to go into cardiac arrest. The big question is why he wanted to see her dead. Was it his own twisted way to rid Dante of Sam so he could focus on Lulu once she woke up from the transplant?

Dex Heller-General Hospital-YouTube

Dex Heller-General Hospital-YouTube

Dex was on to something when he noted Cyrus was at the hospital. Since he knew so much or was on his way to figuring it out, Cyrus needed him out of the picture. Many believe he got someone to do his dirty work for him. When stabbing him didn’t work to take him down, he went to plan B.

Is it possible that Dex is not really dead? Could it really be that he and Liz are up to something and wanted to see if Cyrus would strike again? In the world of soaps, anything is possible. Maybe Dex is not really dead but instead trying to smoke out Cyrus?

The Actor Confirmed His Exit

Fans who are skeptical to think it could all be a setup say Evan Hofter confirmed his General Hospital exit. However, this wouldn’t be the first time a character was “killed” off only to find out they were not really dead.

Bold and the Beautiful did this with Sheila Carter. She completed tons of exit interviews just as Evan did and said how much she would miss the show. Then, shockingly, Sheila wasn’t really dead after all. Is this the same thing happening with Hofer?

Could writers just be trying to throw everyone off track in order to create a more shocking storyline?

Right now nobody knows and it seems that Dex is really dead but in Port Charles, anything is possible. What do you think?

Come back to TV Spoiler News for all things General Hospital.

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